laura loves… june edition
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June had us celebrating Milo’s half birthday and *lots* of new blooms in the garden!

Milo is so enamored with his sister, that taking his 18 month photos was a breeze. He was still a bit unsure of walking, so I plopped him down, got in position, and had Elodie peek-a-boo from behind me. This was one of the very first photos of the morning and it was all we needed! But for some reason I still took plenty more. ;-)

Elodie and I examine the garden every single morning when we water. The hollyhock, rosebush and squash are blooming, and the double petunias we started from seed are finally opening up!

laura loves… may edition
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I feel like May had been a long time coming for everyone in the Midwest! With so many April snowstorms, we couldn’t wait for green grass and lilacs, and May did not disappoint!

There were a couple of really beautiful foggy days right around Mother’s Day, so of course we had a mini photo shoot in our backyard before heading to church! Also, Elodie now knows how to wink. ;-)

Both kids love to spend their time outside now that it’s warm enough out to play! They also cooperate sometimes for impromptu photos. :-)

Elodie and Milo are both getting to be so grown up! I just put away Milo’s 12mo clothes and Elodie said, “He’s growing up so fast! I’m growing slow.” But she is growing up fast, too! She talks a mile a minute, narrating every part of her day (sometimes in song) and has now decided to simply not listen to mommy and daddy when she doesn’t want to do something. #threenager

laura loves… april edition
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Who else is enjoying this lovely spring weather?! I know we had *so much* snow, but the nice days in between have been perfect for playing outside and going on adventures!

April started out with a fun little Easter egg hunt for the kids. They *loved* eating all the M&Ms inside of them, and then when they were all empty, they had fun re-hiding and re-finding them for the next week!

Milo and Elodie now share a room, and it’s going better than we expected. They both sleep through the night and they usually wake up happy in the morning. Elodie used to wake up, knock on the door and call “mommy, mommy, mommy,” but now that Milo is with her, she calls for “mommydaddy, mommydadddy” (because someone has to get Milo so she can get mommy snuggles).

Both kids are very much enjoying spending time outside. Even though Milo doesn’t like to have dirty hands, he can’t help but dig through the dirt with his fingers. If it’s too rainy or chilly outside, I have a pail of dirt in my office for potting plants that they play with more than any toy in the house.

laura loves… march edition
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In between snow days, we had a few nice days – nice enough to go out for walks after supper, and even an adventure on one weekend!

Not only is Elodie talking all the time, she is now singing her sentences (she gets it from her daddy). “IIIII’m eating breaaaakfaaaaast yummm yummmmm yummmm” She is also ‘reading’ more books, and by ‘reading’ I mean making up stories similar to what the book actually says. Whenever we see a stop sign, she says “S-T-O-P-Q-R-S-T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z now I know my ABCs next time won’t you sing with me.”

She made up a joke the other day: “What’s the sun say when it comes out from behind the cloud? Peekaboo!”

Milo can take a couple steps all by himself, but he gets so excited to reach his destination (mommy/daddy) that he just falls forward into our arms. He likes to entertain us by pulling his shirt sleeve over his hand and smiling until we ask “Milo, where’s your hand?” Then, he sticks his hand out and giggles when we are ‘surprised’ that it magically re-appeared.

laura loves… february edition
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February felt like we were in the car most of the time! We went to Denver for some quality family time and a post-op checkup for Milo, then Mankato to meet one of our new baby nieces (more family time)!

Milo is *still* teething. This month he got his third molar and his two bottom eye teeth within a few days. Since those popped through, he has been so fun and happy!! He will sneak up on us to give tickles and has gotten really good at holding still while hiding during peek-a-boo! He thinks spit bubbles are hilarious.

Elodie and Milo had their first haircuts!! Milo no longer has a baby mullet (thank goodness) and Elodie no longer has her ‘first curl’ (which I’m still mourning, but I can still treasure the curls that appear around her face after naps)!

Elodie loved meeting her new baby cousin! Even at home she pretends we have a baby (either in her tummy, Milo’s tummy, or the baby doll is her cousin). Her latest phrase (after ‘why’) is ‘how’s that happen?’ She makes sure we always say our prayer before meals, and now requests the ‘Angel of God’ prayer before naps and bedtime (her procrastination game is strong)! She started singing the alphabet to herself, and then tells us she ‘didn’t miss any numbers.’