laura loves… april edition
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Spring cleaning and sleeping through the night – these are my favorite things this month!!laura loves april 2015 edition

1- Wardrobe Capsule – If you came to my house, you wouldn’t know that I’m a minimalist wanna-be. Mainly because I’m just that – a wanna-be. I’m too frugal to throw things away, and too sentimental to donate certain items, so it all stays. And piles up. Especially in my closet. And yet I feel like I have ‘nothing to wear.’ Getting dressed was proving to be a chore, and who has time to try on multiple outfits before leaving the house? Not this mama. Baby girl is still eating every three hours during the day!! Something needed to change – quickly!

When I stumbled across this blog that said to take EVERYTHING out of your closet and only put back what you absolutely love to wear, I was on board! There weren’t many things I loved, so a few ‘maybes’ made it back into the closet, but getting dressed has been so much easier!! Plus, I have a clearer vision of what I like to wear, so I hope it will help me to find items that I *really* like (instead of those $6 t-shirts from Target that I always stocked up on but never really liked how they fit).

2- Oatmeal Raisin Cookies – I could eat my weight in these. These and Cheddar + Sour Cream Ruffles. Is ‘postpartum cravings’ a thing? (Ha! Turns out it is – thanks, Google!) Someone please stop me from buying/eating junk food!!

3- Jack White – Can you imagine seeing one of your favorite musicians perform a somewhat impromptu acoustic concert for only three dollars? This guy provided just that for his fans in Anchorage, Boise, Jackson, Rapid City, and Fargo recently. I didn’t go, but I’m thankful I have cool clients and friends on Facebook who I can live vicariously through. :-)

4- Three Months – Elodie’s three-month photos were a bit of a challenge since she *loves* to chew on her fists and fingers and also a handful of tutu. But it’s okay, she’s forgiven since she’s… sleeping through the night!!!!! I almost don’t want to say it out loud because I don’t want to jinx it. But I also want to shout it from on top of a mountain!! Finally, I feel more like a human and less like a zombie – what a perfect early first mother’s day present to me! :-)

Happy Spring to you all!

