how to use great lighting to get the best photos on your wedding day
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The best way to get great photos from your wedding is to start with great lighting.

The majority of the day’s events are indoors and the best way to get great light indoors is to let in as much natural light as possible.

You’ll need to consider the time of day, time of year, and the amount of windows in each particular building you’ll be in on your wedding day to determine when you can utilize natural light and when you’ll need to bring in artificial light.

p.s. ‘natural light’ means the sun, ‘artificial light’ means anything else. :-)

Getting ready:

Have you ever been outside on a bright, sunny day and tried to look through a window or a glass door? You almost have to press your nose against the glass and cup your hands around your face to see inside, right?

Remember this when you’re inside putting on your wedding gown – when you open the shades to let in that wonderful natural light, no one outside can see you unless they press their nose up to the glass and cup their hands around their face. :-)

Natural light coming in from a window to your side is much more flattering than harsh fluorescent lights or anything above your head.

First look:

If the weather doesn’t allow you to start photos outside, have your first look inside next to some really big windows!


This is when you need to start thinking about the available light and when it’s going to start to disappear.

If you’re having a 4:00 wedding in the winter, (the sun sets around 5pm) you’ll need to consider additional lighting options for your indoor ceremony.

winter ceremony lighting

If you’re having a 4:00 wedding in the summer, (the sun sets around 9pm) it will still be light out when you start your first dances.


Again, this all depends on the time of year, time of day, and the amount of windows at your venue.

For summer weddings you will hardly need additional lighting if there are plenty of windows at your reception venue.

For winter weddings (or venues with few windows) you get to come up with creative ways to decorate with light!


Party lights have a time and place at wedding dances…

…but I think a simple white spotlight (for dark venues) or a few large windows (for light venues) is more suitable for the oh-so-romantic first dances.


Sparklers. ’nuff said.

