laura loves… february edition
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February packed a punch! House guests, polar vortexes mixed with 60-degree days, new experiences and re-living my past – here are my favorite things from February! :-)

laura loves february 2014 edition

1. Mom + Dad came to visit! Trust me, they were excited to visit, it was just super cold outside when I *needed* to get a house guest photo before they left! We went thrift shopping, tried out a couple new recipes, watched bull riding at the Sutton Rodeo and enjoyed the Super Bowl commercials.

2. My sister-in-law + nephew came to visit! Robin came to town to represent her company at a career fair and brought Isaac with so that my brother could get to work on building some bookshelves. Apparently woodworking is hard to do with a 3-year-old needing constant attention. :-) Isaac had fun playing ball, fixing puzzles, coloring pictures, playing hide and seek, etc. All in all it was a fun realization that I very much enjoy quiet time. Whew! Cheers to all you stay at home parents out there!! :-)

3. Banff Mountain Film Festival – When my friend Halley asked if I wanted to go to Banff, I said “Canada? Sure!!!” But this was pretty amazing, too. And more time/cost effective. :-) I was impressed with the athleticism in these videos, but I was blown away by the films they created! My favorite from the night we went was “Nordfor Sola” where two Norwegian guys spend a winter on a beach North of the Arctic Circle, build a cabin, ski, surf, and clean up debris washed up by the ocean. How the two of them survived in the cold for so long *and* produced an award-winning film is seriously impressive!

4. Girl Scout Cookies – They sure do make it hard for this girl to focus on editing! Thank goodness Lent is coming, because good ol’ Catholic guilt in addition to willpower are the only things that can keep me away from sweets!

5. Pink depression glass – With my husband’s latest interest in thrift shopping, I’ve developed a slight obsession to pink glass – and jadeite, but I haven’t come across any of that yet. Now I just need to figure out how I’m going to display these pretty pieces.

6. Practicing piano – When my parents came to visit at the beginning of the month, they brought my full-size keyboard from home. I finally plugged it in yesterday to learn a new song – after I had to re-learn the notes (yes, I did have to draw them out, and yes, I do say to myself “Every Good Boy Does Fine”), but I got through the first page of “Skinny Love” so I’m pretty excited!

What was your favorite thing about February?

