laura loves… april edition
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Welcome to my monthly favorites blog post! This month I am thankful for quality time at home with my husband, a newly-discovered coffee shop, and uncontrollable giggles. 

laura loves april 2013 edition

1. potato art – Spring tends to be a busy time of the year for us, and so by the time Easter rolls around, we can’t wait to spend a weekend at home and cook a delicious meal together!

2. GEICO commercial – ‘Happier than Paul Revere with a cell phone. I’m not a big fan of commercials. Unless they’re funny – and this one makes me laugh out loud every time it plays. :-)

3. more home projects – We are still ‘settling’ into our new home and storage + decorating are constantly on our… my mind. Recent projects have included putting shelving units together, creating wall art from our wedding readings, and getting *all* my purses off of the floor in the closet.

4. game nights – When we’re not working, we’re playing! My parents taught us how to play Mexican Train with Dominoes and we’re both getting pretty good. We’re just hoping these snowy days will be done soon so we can turn our yard from dirt into lawn!!

5. Caribou Coffee in Mitchell – For one whole year, there has been a Caribou Coffee in the County Fair Foods store in Mitchell – and I JUST found out this month!!! Now, this may not be exciting news to many of you reading this… but for this girl, whose last fuel-up before her non-stop trip back to Rapid just got a dose of tasty caffeine, this is big news. :-)

6. warm spring days – Exactly two weeks ago, we were having a fabulous spring. 60-70 degree weather, constant sunshine, birds singing… and then last week we had a record 20 inches of snowfall in one day. That still hasn’t melted. And now they’re predicting another 8-12 inches this week. I am SO ready for summer. Or to go back to Hawaii. Either would be just fine.

