laura loves… august edition
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It has been another wonderfully busy month, but some of my favorite things have been the simplest things. Funny how that works. :-)

1. Playing outside with my nephew, Jonas. We played ‘that one hiding and guessing game’ for a looong time one afternoon, and every time we went outside after that, guess what he wanted to play? He would hide behind the boards of his playground tower and I would guess “What could possibly be so fast and sneaky and stripe-y and hairy? A cheetah? No, cheetah’s don’t have stripes. A snake? No, snakes don’t have hair. Hmm, what could it be?” I had to start making up imaginary animals!!

2. Snuggling with my nephew, Isaac. We are two peas in a pod – neither of us like being woken up from a nap, but both of us love to snuggle!! :-)

3. Coffea date with my bride, Terra, and bff, Jill. Oh, how I miss you beautiful girls!!

4. Fruit snacks. I’m trying my best to eat healthier, and my favorite snack is fresh fruit. Sprinkled with just a bit of Truvia. Or sometimes blended with some POM juice. Yummm.

laura loves… november edition
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Life has been so wonderfully busy the past two months! So incredibly wonderful that I spent three whole weeks doing nothing but editing and celebrating!!

Celebrating the love of other couples with their engagements and weddings.

Celebrating the company of my nephews.

Celebrating my ENGAGEMENT!!!

1. Isaac has a new haircut and he looks JUST like his big brother. Until he smiles. :-)

2. Jonas’s favorite part about fall is filling up the pumpkins (leaf bags).

Every time I see my nephews, it’s the highlight of my month… but this month, my MOST favorite thing was when….

3. Lance proposed!!!!!!!!

Best. Month. Ever.


happy birthdays to my nephews!!
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It’s that time of year again – the time for my family to get together to take our Christmas card photo… also commonly referred to as Jonas’s birthday. :-) Last weekend he celebrated his FOURTH BIRTHDAY!!! Here are a few facts about Jonas:

He loves shirts with numbers on them.

HeĀ believesĀ cheesecake is the best kind of birthday cake.

He loves playing with his train set and anything having to do with Thomas.

He can read Blue Hat, Green Hat all by himself.

He loves the number 4. :-)

Here is his ‘superman’ pose. :-)

His real/laughing smile on the left, his cheesy/picture smile on the right.

With his new sock puppet, Arrrgyle the pirate.

And of COURSE there are photos of Isaac to show you! He turned one a month ago. Here are a few of his favorite things:

He loves his pacifier.

He likes to ‘read’ books, just like his big brother.

He loves playing in the dirt.

Running is his favorite.

Give this boy some rocks to play with and he is one happy camper!!

Isaac loves cake, too. :-)

Me and my nephews in our pjs!

I am so excited to update the picture frames around my apartment!!!

my nephews love me
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That’s right, they love me so much they came to stay with me in my one-bedroom apartment for an entire weekend!! We went to Dinosaur Park, went swimming, went to Storybook Island, had a picnic, played at the park, and of course, TOOK PICTURES!!

Jonas will be four years old in less than two months!!

Jonas loved Dinosaur Park – as soon as we ran up to one dinosaur, he would spot the next one and run to it. Pretty much the fastest trip to Dinosaur Park ever.

The next day we went to Storybook Island. Same thing happened again – Jonas ran from one storybook scene to the next. Isaac was a bit more laid back – as in he can’t run yet so it was much easier to grab photos of him. :-)

He is 11 months old and he loves to pull himself up your legs and grab your hands and start walking!

After bath time, Lance went to pick up some pizza for supper and we had a chance to get some more cute pictures showing off Isaac’s new teeth and haircut! Remember when he had almost black hair when he was born??

The background is my ‘grandma quilt’ – she always made crazy quilts with her fabric scraps and a couple years ago for Christmas, my mom finished two of her unfinished crazy quilts and gave them to me and Ben. Isaac will never know his Great Grandma Braun, but he is certainly as cuddly as her quilts! :-)

My brother got a Nook for father’s day, but I have a feeling someone else is getting a lot of use out of it, too. Jonas is definitely his father’s son. :-)

Thanks for coming and visiting me, boys!

happy birthday, grandma!!
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Today is Grandma’s birthday!! I have been saving these images of my nephews from this weekend to share with Grandma (and everyone else) for her birthday!

Jonas is interested in everything Grandma does. From quilting….


To playing Wii Fit! Jonas is really good at navigating the Wii – except for this particular day. He logged in, started the body test (with Grandma’s help) and then the screen announced “you’ve lost 100 pounds!!” Jonas was signed in as Grandma instead of Jonas. :-)


Birthday kisses for Grandma!!undefinedundefinedundefined

This is Isaac’s signature look – tongue sticking out and curled up. :-)





For anyone who knows my family – does this look familiar?? :-)

For everyone who doesn’t know my family – my brother (Jonas and Isaac’s dad grew up playing LEGOs. All the time.)


He’s three!!


Please, don’t judge my hair/outfit/lack of makeup. But when I have my baby nephew falling asleep in my arms, I am NOT going to get up and out of my pajamas!


Me with both my sweet nephews!


Grandpa got some holding time in, too!
